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Effective Skin Care Routine for Oily Skin and Dry Skin

Effective Skin Care Routine for Oily Skin and Dry Skin

Effective skin care routine for oily skin

Oily skin is one of the most common skin problems. It brings with it some unique challenges, such as a shiny complexion and acne breakouts.

The good news? With the right skin care routine and products, these issues can be less problematic.

To take the guesswork out of caring for an oily complexion, we reached out to some skin care experts. We asked them to give us their best tips for developing a daily skincare routine for oily skin.

The result: a simple four-step routine you can use morning and night to keep your skin healthy, clear and shine-free.

The greatest skin care routine for oily skin

Step 1: Cleanse in the morning and afternoon.

The most important step of any skin care routine is cleansing your skin.

"Although most people should wash their face in the morning and at night, it's especially important for people with oily skin to cleanse their face completely in the morning," says Dermatouch.

Even if you feel like your skin is still clean from the night before, Dermatouch says your skin is busy shedding skin cells and producing oils during the night.

That's why you should cleanse your face with a good exfoliator in the morning as well as at night.

Step 2: Use a toner

Once your skin is clean and free of makeup, dirt and oil, Dermatouch recommends that you use an exfoliating toner that contains the following:

  • salicylic acid 
  • glycolic acid 
  • lactic acid

Step 3: Treat your skin

This step depends on your specific skin concerns.

If you are prone to acne, you should use benzoyl peroxide or sulfur during the day to curb oil production and prevent breakouts.

Dermatouch likes to remind people with oily skin that they may be lucky in the long run.

"If you have more oil in your skin, you' can possibly fight off wrinkles and fine lines a little longer than someone with dry skin."

Step 4: Moisturize your skin morning and night.

Moisturizing is a very significant step if you have oily skin.

"There's a perception that if you have oily skin, you do not need or should not use moisturizer," Dermatouch says. That might not be further from the truth.

"All skin types need moisturizer, but if you have oily skin, you should be more careful about what type of moisturizer you' use," Dermatouch says.

Dermatouch recommendation? Look for a moisturizer that':

  • Lightweight 
  • oil-free 
  • water-based

Any moisturizer 'formulated for acne-prone skin should meet these criteria.

Effective Skin Care Routine for Dry Skin

Dry skin causes

Dry skin can be uncomfortable and is generally considered by scaling, itching and cracking. Although dry skin often occurs on the hands, arms and legs, it can affect any part of the body.

There are several causes of dry skin. These include:

  • environment 
  • hard water 
  • genetics 
  • excessive washing
  • exposure to irritants 
  • medical conditions such as hypothyroidism or diabetes

"The causes of dry skin can be separated into internal and external, with the external factors being the easiest to treat." 

These include factors such as:

  • humidity
  • bathing habits
  • use of harsh soaps

Dry skin, flaky skin and chapped lips can be due to a vitamin B deficiency.

A absence of B vitamins "also makes you more sensitive to certain skin care products and sunlight." 

Talk to your doctor about taking a vitamin B complex supplement.

Best skin care routine for dry skin on face

While the causes may differ, anyone can practice a skin routine for dry skin that will be to their advantage.

When it comes to skincare for dry skin, you should follow the five steps listed below:

  • Cleanse with a moisturizing cleanser that does not attack the outer layer of skin.
  • Tone with an alcohol-free toner to restore the skins' PH.
  • Treat specific skin problems with a serum.
  • Moisturize with a nourishing, non-comedogenic moisturizer to keep skin hydrated.
  • Protect skin from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays to prevent sun damage.


Your primary step is to select a moisturizing cleanser. You want a cleanser that removes dirt and oil without damaging the outer layer of skin. 

A good component to look for is hyaluronic acid.


Many toners contain alcohol as a main ingredient, which dries out the skin. Look for an alcohol-free toner with active components that restore your skins pH.


This step allows you to target specific skin concerns. Focus on hydration with a pure hyaluronic acid serum or opt for something that targets skin issues like wrinkles, hyperpigmentation or acne.


A good moisturizer includes the benefits of a serum. Use a daily moisturizer that' is specifically for the face.

"Facial moisturizer truly wants to be nourishing and hydrating, but avoid products that might clog your pores" Be sure to look for "non-comedogenic" on the label.


Daily use of sunscreen prevents harmful UV rays from attacking the skin. 

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